Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Party Like a Hogwarts Wizard - 7th Birthday

We get a lot of requests for custom birthday parties...something unique that not a lot of people are doing. Our little client wanted a Harry Potter party as she is very interested in the series & loves to read. To our surprise, there aren't a lot of options out there in "Party Land" for such a party befitting a little witch. What ever shall we do? Well, we created our own of course, complete with a wizard class at "Hogwarts Annex" (aka our party room).

We transformed a simple room into a classroom straight out of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Guests were sent special invitations/acceptance letter to the event.

To set the mood & theme, glass apothecary jars were set out with such dastardly things as dried dragon's blood, bezoar, frog ears, fly eggs, dittany and dried silk worms.

Desks were set up classroom style with clip boards to take notes on the new spells they were going to learn from newest teacher at Hogwarts, Professor Piewacket (aka Heather the Magician). Students learned new magic skills and

"Students" were offered a witch's brew that changed colors along with every kids' favorite pizza & fruit.

In the end, we had a very happy little birthday witch and that's really all that matters to us!

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